We've had a steady stream of portrait work but loads of other things going on as well, the dogs are still coming in in our efforts to get to 108, we're approaching 90 now, still on the lookout for less common breeds though so please point them in our direction. Here are a couple of our favourites from recent shoots.......

We've had a few weddings recently too and although we don't promote ourselves as wedding photographers, I do enjoy running around at a wedding capturing those special moments. From what I've heard we do it pretty well too! Here are a couple of examples.......

teneight have been at some local nursery schools too, photographing children in a very natural style, like this.......

We've also done some product, pr, and portrait photography for some local companies and design agencies (have a look at the commercial section of the website if you haven't already). We've even extended our skills at photographing animals for food packaging, we don't just do dogs!

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